Connections: Washington D.C. to Biden’s Incompetency to Fiscal Policy and Market Bubbles

In episode 20 of The Far Middle, Nick again connects a series of subjects (“dots”) that on the surface appear to be separate. Nick addresses the current vibe in Washington D.C.; where at least the bureaucrats used to have to actually show up for work. He next discusses the accumulating dishonesty and incompetency from President Biden and his administration. “Whenever you have incompetence coupled with dishonesty, it’s not going to be a good optic—it’s not a good approach to anything in life and it’s certainly not a winning formula politically or for our nation,” says Nick. He goes on to tackle Fed monetary policy converging with federal fiscal policy, the federal government cooking its own books, company valuations, and even football coaches Belichick and Saban find themselves in this week’s episode.